BlogsKoko chooses Amazon

Ukrainian First Deputy PM says Black Sea grain deal under threat of haltingEND OF DAY REPORT APRIL 18th

Darren Krett

Tuesday 18 April 2023

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Koko chooses Amazon



So for those who have seen the "why should I use Leviathan?" video , you'll see that at the end of it we decided to pit my dog Koko against the bank brokerage community, not to necessarily pick a better stock , but to show how you can make more money by using Leviathan and with less downside.

We use our tool "BB1" to find the best option strategy/combination, which looks at overt a billion different iterations, stressing the trade in multi-dimensional ways to come up with the best one based on your view.

So with this in mind, BofA has a price target of $135 (currently trading $104.25 at time of writing), so if you happen to have $10k lying around , this will give you purchasing power of 96 shares and if correct, a return of 29.5% if you are correct within your timeframe.

So, what did it come up with?? Its trade idea is to buy the 125/130/140 call fly 245 times, paying 36 cents, with the idea of getting out in around 180 days from now. And for a decription of a Butterfly trade, go to our learning center here;

This represents an investment of $8820 with having to likely put up close to $10k in margin at your clearer.

Want to know your risk....well look below; and how would it move in low or high volatility enviroments? Historically this trade sits at its 29th percentile over the last 2 year equivalent ![] and on a historical basis its in it 9th percentile! in those meterics, you're not overpaying and even when taking into account costs and slippage a return of 1126% !!!!!!!!!

So...the game is afoot...who will win?

I know where my money is, but we will keep an eye on it going forward and if you have any questions, hit us up at

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Structured by Krett